Otra de las ventajas de descargar WhatsApp Plus es que tienes la posibilidad de quitar tu estado en lnea o on line y podrs ocultar tu ltima conexin mediante la utilizacin de la herramienta Plus Donation. Adems si eres de las personas fanticas de enviar fotos y archivos por montones. 01, tried to use it with whatsapp 3. 40D, but it showed i need to update the plus donation app. 4) uninstalled plus donation 1. Then it said license verification failed. WhatsApp o WhatsApp Plus ya empieza a estar en boca de todos: te habrs enterado de su existencia a travs de amigos o redes sociales de internet. Son muchsimas las personas que ya han elegido cambiar su sistema de mensajera instantnea por esta versin modificada y mejorada del clsico WhatsApp. YoWhatsApp is a mod of the famous WhatsApp app. However, I found that WhatsApp stock lacks some important Features! Donation is Highly appreciated! (Via Official Website) Community Rules: Simple 232 plus ones. 92D Cracked [root Plus Donation key non root Requires Android OS: 2. 1 and up Overview: What is WhatsApp? Basically it is a customizable WhatsApp where you can change lots of colours, sizes, and many other visual MODs In addition you can increase upload media limit (stock limit is 16Mb) to send large music files or videos. Whatsapp Plus is an application that was not developed by Whatsapp Inc, nor is it authorized by Whatsapp Inc. The developers of Whatsapp Plus have no relationship to Whatsapp Inc, and we do not support Whatsapp Plus. Download whatsapp plus donation apk free shared files. from all world's most popular shared hosts. 04 full free kostenlos Android cracked Download Plus Donation apk heute gratis. Bei uns bekommt ihr die qualitativ hochwertige App Plus Donation kostenlos. Dabei handelt es sich um die full Version und nicht um eine free Version. Die Apk Datei zum Download und die falls notwendigen Apk Datei zum Download und die falls Seguramente has llegado hasta aqu porque algn amigo vuestro o leste en la red sobre el WhatsApp Plus, y sin duda has llegado al lugar correcto. Es por ello que vamos a comentarte un poco ms sobre esta aplicacin, que es una alternativa al original. You can also share whatsapp plus donation apk or any other file with the community. Upload any file up to 20 MB size without any limitations! No registration WhatsApp Plus Donation Para Android BUENO AMIGOS AQUI LES DEJO MI ULTIMO VIDEO AQUI ES ENSEO COMO DESCARGAR PLUS DONATION PARA whatsapp plus totalmente gratis. Fitur utama dari Whats App Ditambah Colorful: Pada dasarnya ini adalah WhatsApp disesuaikan di mana Anda dapat mengubah banyak warna, ukuran, dan banyak hal lainnya. WhatsApp Plus is a complete modified version of the current WhatsApp app, where you can customize your own emotions and can change backgrounds and much more things within the app. The app is there just to make over the current WhatsApp application. Whatsapp Plus una modifica dell'applicazione originaria, con delle aggiunte sia a scopo di divertimento sia per creare unapp a nostra immagine e gusto. Basta acquistare, installare, accedere allapplicazione fino a vedere la schermata blu come da screenshot qui sotto e in seguito aprire. WhatsApp Plus and its uses, risks and differences. I recently found one issue with whats app plus and using plus donation. by using plus donation we can go to hidden mode and because of that other users can see our last seen the time when we go in hidden mode. but if we send message to Windows and BlackBarry by using whats app. Basically it is a customizable WhatsApp where you can change lots of colours, sizes, and many other visual MODs In addition you can increase upload media. 25 D Apk Patched Donation Key in Install Whatsapp, WhatsApp on March 18, 2014 4 comments Recently Whatsapp Plus v 5. 25 D updated there version with lots of changes for android 4. 1 and Some other minor bugs fixed, D ownload WhatsApp Plus APK for free. WhatsApp Plus is free to install and it seems to carry the same user license as WhatsApp as well. programme packages and according to Android APK Behavior you cannot. users, seems like there is a bug with whats app plus and plus donation. 2 Sep Hide your whatsapp status with the unlocked version of Whatsapp plus donate version D, Plus. The lastest update of WhatsApp Plus v6. 50 made it free to hide your last seen without buying Plus Donation from the Play Store. It will make the WhatsApp Plus user much happy that they can use the premium feature without donating paying a single penny. This feature is not available right now. Whatsapp Plus is an application that was not developed by Whatsapp Inc, nor is it authorized by Whatsapp Inc. The developers of Whatsapp Plus have no relationship to Whatsapp Inc, and we do not support Whatsapp Plus. En una poca en donde era imposible desde la app oficial ocultar el estado en lnea y la ltima conexin, con WhatsApp Plus se poda, pero tenas que pasar por caja donando dinero a su desarrollador con Plus Donation. 0 Reborn (ambos con antibaneo) WA 6. 0 Reborn ( 24 enero 2015 ), son dos aplicaciones para tu Android o para tu Pc (si tienes instalado BlueStacks ), con la cual podrs disfrutar de mensajes gratis. Whatsapp Plus is an application that was not developed by Whatsapp Inc, nor is it authorized by Whatsapp Inc. The developers of Whatsapp Plus have no relationship to Whatsapp Inc, and we do not support Whatsapp Plus. Hiding last seen status which needed a donation in the normal Whatsapp; Seems that voice notes cant be disabled any more. Ti racconto quali sono le differenze principali rispetto alla versione ufficiale per decidere se il caso di installarlo o no. decidere se il caso di installarlo o no. Whatsapp plus plus donation Hallo, Ich habe seit paar tagen whatsapp plus und bin auf der suche nach plus donation. Ich habe bereits berall im Web danach gesucht. W eder kaufen noch eine funktionierende Apk ohne root! WhatsApp acts to stop downloads of a thirdparty service, WhatsApp Plus, and locks out people who used it from its chat platform. 30C Crackeado (No Root or Donation key Needed) WhatsApp 6. 30 Cracked (27 octubre 2014), es una aplicacin para tu Android o para tu Pc (si tienes instalado BlueStacks), con la cual podrs disfrutar de mensajes gratis. 72 D updated there version with lots of changes for android 4. 1 and Some other minor bugs fixed, Download WhatsApp Plus APK for free. 06 gana dinero con tu android tranfiere archivos de. 92D Plus Donation [cracked [proper working Free Download Mod APK Modded cracked Widget Torrent Path Full By. WhatsApp Plus Donation Key Pro Apk 5. 80, saat ini banyak para pengguna layanan chatting Whatsapp yang mengeluhkan tentang proses pembayaran yang begitu sulit karena menggunakan alat pembayaran Kartu Kredit maupun Paypal yang notabene banyak sekali para pengguna WhatsApp yang tidak mempunyai fasilitas tersebut. Cmo saber quin est en lnea en WhatsApp Plus? En realidad, no es una tarea sencilla ni tampoco exacta, tengamos en cuenta que si vamos al caso cualquiera puede pasar por Plus Donation e incluso tener la aplicacin crackeada para poder tener el En lnea oculto e incluso la ultima hora de conexin. As que las posibilidades de saber cundo est o no en lnea son bastante pocas. Many downloads like Whatsapp V4 92d Plus Donation may also include a crack, serial number, unlock code, cd key or keygen (key generator). Once a donation has been processed, we added the option to share to WhatsApp alongside other sharing options weve presented for a long time. As a result, donations via WhatsApp (that we have been able to track) have now exceeded 100, 000. 72 Deutsch: Holen Sie sich mit WhatsApp Plus eine getunte WhatsAppVariante jetzt in brandneuer Version aufs AndroidSmartphone. WhatsApp Plus akan memungkinkan Anda untuk mengirim pesan dengan jumlah teks unlimited dengan gratis, berbagi foto, file, video, catatan suara, smiley grafis dan emoticon. Esta modificacin nace de la necesidad de presentar a los usuarios un diseo completamente diferente, mucho ms moderno, verstil y configurable del que tradicionalmente estamos todos acostumbrados y que en cierta medida se vuelve aburridor debido a las pocas modificaciones o cambios que ha sufrido desde su fecha de lanzamiento oficial. Algunas opciones como la de ocultar el estado en lnea funcionan solo con la descarga de otra app extra que lleva por nombre Plus Donation. Cabe la posibilidad que la aplicacin original tenga diversas mejoras con el paso del tiempo, que tardaran en aparecer en la versin plus de Whatsapp. Whatsapp Plus Download: Hello Guys, Todays We are going to provide the Whatsapp Plus App for your smartphone. This app is the one of popular and trending mod of WhatsApp. This app is the one of popular and trending mod of WhatsApp. WhatsApp Plus is a complete modified version of the current WhatsApp app, where you can customize your own emotions and can change backgrounds and much more things within the app. Download Whatsapp Plus real advice. WhatsApp Plus and 3 more programs. WhatsApp built a new version of its private messaging app for JioPhone, running the KaiOS operating system, to give people a simple, reliable, and secure way to communicate with friends and family. The new app offers the best of WhatsApp including fast and reliable messaging and the ability to send photos and videos all endtoend encrypted. New WhatsApp log to check contacts activity (go to Plus, below language option) Check the WhatsApp log menu to show name instead of number (and more options) WhatsApp is the best Android messaging app and most of them like it because of its best features. But the app has restriction regarding maximum upload size for the media files, customizing features, etc. So to remove these restrictions, here we brought an unofficial Android App called WhatsApp Plus. Click it and That's it, you're done amigo! whatsapp plus xap download will begin. about Tradownload TraDownload lets you anonymously share files online with two simple clicks, download streams, mp3 audio and shared files from worlds most popular Storages..