Serie de TV ( ). Secuela de la serie de culto Star Trek (tambin conocida como Viaje a las Estrellas: La Serie Animada o sus siglas en ingls ST: TAS o TAS) que relata los viajes de la astronave USS Enterprise. It may have been forgotten, but the animated was great! 6 August 2000 by raysond See all my reviews After the cancellation of the original Star Trek TV series in 1969, network executives over at NBC came up with one of the most innovative and one of the best 'Star Trek' series ever. Star Trek: The Animated Series est la seconde srie porter le nom Star Trek. Les 22 pisodes de la srie anime, produits par Filmation, furent crits par des professionnels de la sciencefiction et des scnaristes de Star Trek, comprenant Larry Niven, D. Fontana, David Gerrold et Samuel A Star Trek: The Animated Series (abreviada como TAS ou ST: TAS) um seriado de desenho animado americano de fico cientfica que se passa no universo de Star Trek aps Star Trek: The Original Series da dcada de 1960. Secuela de la serie de culto Star Trek (tambin conocida como Viaje a las Estrellas: La Serie Animada o sus siglas en ingls ST: TAS o TAS) que relata los viajes de la astronave USS Enterprise. The Enterprise tries to save an unidentified ship plunging into a supernova but is dragged into a universe where time runs backwards. Their only hope to return home is Commodore Robert April, the. Star Trek is an American science fiction television series created by Gene Roddenberry that follows the adventures of the starship USS Enterprise and its cre Star Trek: The Animated Series, ook bekend als The Animated Adventures of Gene Roddenberry's Star Trek, is een Emmy Awardwinnende die zich afspeelt in het Star Trekuniversum. De serie is een voortzetting van Star Trek: The Original Series. De serie werd uitgezonden onder de naam Star Trek, maar is inmiddels beter bekend onder zijn volledige naam. Zie Star Trek: The Animated Series voor het hoofdartikel over dit onderwerp. Hoewel sommige liefhebbers van de eerdere Star Trekserie en films neerkijken op het 'soapachtige' karakter van D. 9, blijkt de serie over het algemeen goed te scoren en zelfs populairder te zijn dan Voyager. Die ursprngliche StarTrekSerie Raumschiff Enterprise wurde bezglich ihrer Hauptfiguren als eindimensional kritisiert. Der Filmkritiker Georg Seelen zum Beispiel meinte in der epd Film 1999, dass die Figuren manchmal auf geradezu lcherliche Weise plakativ wirken mssten. Media in category Star Trek: The Animated Series The following 5 files are in this category, out of 5 total. Erst nach 20 Jahren entschied man sich dazu, Star Trek: The Animated Series wieder offiziell zum Star TrekKanon zu zhlen. 1976 strahlte das ZDF die Serie im deutschen Fernsehen aus. 99 images ( sounds) of the Star Trek: The Animated Series cast of characters. Pics of the Star Trek: The Animated Series voice actors (Show). Sieh dir Episode 1 Staffel 1 von Star Trek: The Animated Series komplett in bester HD Qualitt online als Stream. 100 Kostenlos Online 3000 Serien. Zeichentrickadaption der bekannten SciFiSerie, die in der Originalfassung zahlreiche Schauspieler der Originalserie als Sprecher gewinnen konnte und die Abenteuer des Raumschiffs. Cette srie tous publics met en scne la suite des aventures de l'quipage de la srie Star Trek. Star Trek: The Animated Series (abreviada como TAS ou ST: TAS) um seriado de desenho animado americano de fico cientfica que se passa no universo de Star Trek aps Star Trek: The Original Series da dcada de 1960. Esta uma lista de episdios da srie de animao de fico cientfica Star Trek: The Animated Series (tambm conhecida como The Animated Adventures of Gene Roddenberry's Star Trek) que foi ao ar entre setembro de 1973 e outubro de 1974 na NBC. Star Trek: The Animated Series is often referred to as Star Trek's fourth season because it was created in 1973, four years after the third and final season of the original series, and because most of the original cast provided the voices. William Shatner, Leonard Nimoy, DeForest Kelley, James Doohan, Nichelle Nichols, George Takei, and Majel. Star Trek: The Animated Series Staffel 1 Zeichentrickadaption der bekannten SciFiSerie, die in der Originalfassung zahlreiche Schauspieler der Originalserie als Sprecher gewinnen konnte und die Abenteuer des Raumschiffs Enterprise fortgefhrt hat. Star Trek: The Animated Series r en animerad science fictionTVserie som utspelar sig inom Star Treks fiktiva universum. Serien sndes enbart under namnet Star Trek men den har senare blivit knd med sitt lngre namn (eller i frkortad form som ST: TAS eller TAS) fr att srskilja den frn originalserien med levande skdespelare. Ibland har den ocks kallats fr The Animated Adventures. Die Enterprise (englisch Star Trek: The Animated Series oder zunchst The Animated Adventures of Gene Roddenberrys Star Trek, alternativer dt. Titel: Star Trek Classic Zeichentrick) ist eine USamerikanische die eine der Serie Raumschiff Enterprise darstellt und wie diese im StarTrekUniversum spielt. When Star Trek: The Next Generation finished its first season, Gene Roddenberry decanonized Star Trek: The Animated Season. Writers of the licensed Star Trek Pocket Books novels were not allowed to reference TAS or any of its unique characters. Star Trek: The Animated Series (TAS) blev produceret af Filmation og krte i to ssoner fra 1973 til 1974. De fleste af de oprindelige skuespillere fra The Original Series lagde stemmer til deres respektive karakterer i den nye animationsserie. Mange af den oprindelige series heriblandt D. Fontana, David Gerrold og Paul Schneider, skrev ogs for den animerede serie. M'Ress and Arex, characters from the animated series, appear in the Star Trek: New Frontier novels by Peter David, in which M'Ress and Arex are transported through time to the 24th Century, and are made officers on board the USS Trident. Star Trek: The Animated Series (tambin conocida como The Animated Adventures of Gene Roddenberrys Star Trek), en espaol titulada Star Trek: La serie animada, fue una serie animada de televisin estadounidense de ciencia ficcin ubicada en el universo ficticio de Star Trek y continuacin de Star Trek: La serie original. SDCC 2018: Star Wars: The Clone Wars to Return with New Episodes Dave Filoni talks exclusively to StarWars. com about finishing the classic animated series on Disneys directto. Click above to enter Star Trek: The Animated Series, and below for The Yellow Submarine. Click here to visit the Beatles Saturday morning cartoon show! This page was created by Kail Tescar. Star Trek: The Animated Series uma srie em desenho animado americana de fico cientfica que se passa no universo de Star Trek aps Star Trek: The. Star Trek: la serie original (Star Trek: The Original Series) ( ) episodio piloto ms 79 episodios en 3 temporadas Star Trek: The Animated Series ( 1973 1974 ) 22 episodios en 2 temporadas Star Trek: Phase II (proyecto) ( 1978 ) no se rodaron episodios Star Trek: The Animated Series was a strange experiment in bringing more adultthemed adventure programming in the animated world, back when it happened in the early 70s. Sometimes known as TAS, Star Trek the animated series debuted on NBC, Sat. Creator Gene Roddenberry's animated version of Star Trek featured the voices of nearly the entire cast of the original liveaction series, including William Shatner, Leonard Nimoy, DeForest Kelley, George Takei, James Doohan, Nichelle Nichols and Majel Barrett, as well as many of the original series. Zeichentrickadaption der bekannten SciFiSerie, die in der Originalfassung zahlreiche Schauspieler der Originalserie als Sprecher gewinnen konnte und die. Star Trek: The Animated Series 1973 TVY7 The starship Enterprise takes on new adventures in this colorful cartoon series featuring the voices of the original Star Trek cast. Star Trek is a gateway to the future with adventures that take place hundreds of years from now. The denizens of the Star Trek universe are intensely curious and. Star Trek: The Animated Series (tambin conocida como The Animated Adventures of Gene Roddenberry's Star Trek), en espaol titulada Star Trek: La serie animada, es una serie animada de televisin estadounidense de ciencia ficcin ubicada en el universo ficticio de Star Trek y continuacin de Star Trek: La serie original. Star Trek ou Star Trek, la srie anime (Star Trek: The Animated Series) est une srie tlvise d'animation amricaine en 22 pisodes de 26 minutes, cre d'aprs la srie originale et diffuse entre le 15 septembre 1973 et le 12 octobre 1974 sur le rseau NBC. Star Trek: The Animated Series, originally and formally titled Star Trek and The Animated Adventures of Gene Roddenberry's Star Trek, was a continuation of the voyages of the USS Enterprise, previously featured in the original Star Trek series. Animated STAR TREK Short The Element of Surprise Duration: 7: 22. Star Trek: The Animated Series We Got to Get Out of Here Duration: 4: 16. Star Trek: The Animated Series en Memory Beta, El wiki sobre trabajos bajo licencia de Star Trek Star Trek: The Animated Series en la Wikipedia en Castellano Star Trek: The. Watch videoInsert some well known Star Trek references and features, but then do nothing about it. Great visual effects, dialogues with the pace and quality of a middle school play, so far flat characters, chaotic stories with obvious Star Trek references or. The Animated Series won Star Trek ' s first Emmy Award on May 15, 1975. Star Trek: TAS briefly returned to television in the mid1980s on the children's cable network Nickelodeon. Star Trek: The Animated Series (tambin conocida como The Animated Adventures of Gene Roddenberry's Star Trek), en espaol titulada Star Trek: La serie animada, fue una serie animada de televisin estadounidense de ciencia ficcin ubicada en el universo ficticio de Star Trek y continuacin de Star Trek: La serie original. David Gerrold, who was a writer on both Star Trek: The Original Series and Star Trek: The Animated Series, voiced the character of Em3Green for this episode. Star Trek: The Animated Series' 1080p transfer doesn't quite live up to the excellence of more contemporary animated fare, but the presentation.